Taoist Tai Yi Tai Chi Ball - form 2

Tai Yi Tai Chi Ball, where a ball is held and rotated in the hands, has been a fundamental training exercise in Chinese martial arts for centuries. These exercises combine the use of footwork, waist and hand movements which, through regular and dedicated practice, will enable greater fitness and better health. Based on the ancient theories of Daoist and Chinese philosophies, building internal energy through the regular practice of Tai Yi Tai Chi Ball will enable practitioners to better understand the principles of yin-yang theory, the foundation the Chinese internal martial arts. The ancient training of Tai Chi Ball was kept secret by Daoist monks for centuries and was passed down in secret over many generations. Although many Chinese martial artists had heard rumours of the existence of this system of internal strength training, it has only been since the late 20th century that this rare and secret method has come to a wider audience. Tai Yi Tai Chi Ball is suited to all ages and levels of fitness. Fo
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