Dance of the Pixies by Machinimasound licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 int’l Süßes Popcorn ►
1) Compuertas BG (Preview)
2) Topmix Permeable (Preview)
3) Blackbird (Preview)
4) Pangolin Scales Dress
5) Paper-thin solar cell
6) Biologisch abbaubare Batterien
7) Grain Weevil
8) NAMX HUV (Preview)
9) Kevin Scott Monowheel Bike (Preview)
10) DCL Big Drone
11) 2AS
13) Tactile Finger based on Optical Signals
00:00 - Pangolin Scales Dress
01:08 - Kevin Scott Monowheel Bike
...0 - Paper-thin solar cell
03:16 - DCL Big Drone
04:16 - NAMX HUV
05:15 - Topmix Permeable
06:09 - PARANS
07:14 - 2AS
08:14 - Grain Weevil
09:09 - Tactile Finger based on Optical Signals
10:11 - Compuertas BG
11:02 - Biologisch abbaubare Batterien
11:59 - Blackbird
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