他在杭州打造2000㎡茶空間,和好友抱團修行 He Builds A Tea Space of 2,000 m2 in Hangzhou to Practice with Friends

奉常茶書院位於杭州西郊,占地2000㎡,是現在中國最大的人文空間之壹。2017年,做了20多年設計的包文山,回到杭州。他在壹年時間裏,大量考察了亞洲的茶空間,並拜訪多位文化名人,在2018年1月設計完成這個混搭了世界各地設計風格的空間,實現了和好友壹起抱團修行的夢想。 Located in the western suburb of Hangzhou, Fengchang Tea Academy covers an area of 2,000m2. It is one of the biggest cultural spaces in China now. In 2017, after doing design for over 20 years, Bao Wenshan went back to Hangzhou. He spent a year exploring a lot of tea spaces across Asia and visited many cultural celebrities. The tea academy, finally finished in January, 2018, mixes different styles from all over the world and realizes Bao’s dream to practice with friends together. 訂閱一條 ▶ 一條視頻,每日更新,請記得開啟YouTube🔔通知! 🎥本週最熱門視頻 ▶【89年女生花2萬租房,不戀愛不社交】 🎥一條最熱門視頻 ▶【400平į
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