84歲潮州泰斗:用一輩子,做好這件最日常的事 Gongfu Tea Master: Achieve Perfection in One Little Thing with a Lifetime
84-year-old Chen Xiangbai, a leading figure in Chaozhou Gongfu tea, collected, organized and finally determined the standard Chaozhou Gongfu tea brewing steps. After turning 50 years old, he began to formally study Chaozhou Gongfu tea art and Chinese tea culture, and summarized the “21-steps“ to make Chaozhou Gongfu tea. For 30 years, he has achieved perfection in tea making. In July, YIT came to Chaozhou, and talked with Chen Xiangbai about his tea life, while enjoying the leisurely life on Chaozhou tea table.
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7 months ago 00:06:18 1
84歲潮州泰斗:用一輩子,做好這件最日常的事 Gongfu Tea Master: Achieve Perfection in One Little Thing with a Lifetime