Ostrich attacks a man!!!

Ostrich attacks a man. Ostriches can be quite dangerous, especially when you startle them or make them feel threatened. Male ostriches are particularly dangerous and mean during the breeding season, and they are prone to attack people. Adult ostriches can grow up to 9 feet, and they weigh as two adult humans, which makes them stronger than almost every human being. They are capable of running 43 miles an hour, and possessed of razor sharp talons on legs powerful enough to deliver a 2000-psi blow. They’ve also got a sharp beak that can severely damage someone. Ostriches live in the wild, on safaris and ostrich farms. However, wherever you encounter them, handle them with extreme caution they’re one of the most deadly birds on the planet. They do not feed on humans, but they have been known to harm and kill people when disturbed. If you are forced to defend yourself against an ostrich, avoid close-quarters combat. Keep as far out of reach of its legs as you can, since ostriches c
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