Rhee Quits (1960)

Item title reads - Rhee quits. South Korean President Syngman Rhee resigns after riots over fixed General Election. Seoul, Korea. C/U Syngman Rhee, South Korean President. M/S poster with his picture on it. M/S as he walks through a corridor inside a building. M/S crowds gathered for funeral of some of the men killed in the recent riots. Top shot of coffin draped and covered in flowers, pan up to minister reading funeral service. M/S young women in the crowd crying. Elevated shot of crowd gathered round the coffin. M/S woman sat crying with her two children. M/S exterior of South Korea’s Parliament building. M/S interior of two members arguing, another man runs towards them and pushes one of the men away. M/S as another man walks up onto the platform to argue, a man rushes in and they start to push and shove each other. M/S group of members now on platform arguing and pushing each other. Four members walk from the platform still arguing. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE
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