Glenn Rhee Tribute || The Savior [TWD]

Song: In the House, In a Heartbeat Original Artist: John Murphy Covering Artist: William Morris Hey there! You voted for Glenn Rhee in the latest poll, so here we are. Just like my Rick Grimes Tribute || The Leader and Daryl Dixon Tribute || The Archer, this video uses an instrumental soundtrack that is backed up by important quotes from and to Glenn. I was hesitating between a happy song to show Glenn’s humane side and a dark song to showcase Glenn’s demons. As you can tell I chose the latter. Let me know what you think of it! I feel like the title could use some explanation. I chose ‘The Savior’ as a title, because Glenn is one of the few characters in The Walking Dead that was able to forgive and save people, even the very worst. Maggie states that at 0:34. Glenn saves people. Then there is of course a second layer to it. Glenn met his untimely demise at the hands of the leader of the Saviors: Negan. There are quite a few parallels between Glenn and Negan, as you might b
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