Pike Push Up - Your Bodyweight Overhead Pushing Progression

Pike push ups or downward handstand dog push ups are great to get you started with overhead pressing strength. Working on your pike push ups will help you build shoulder and triceps strength for handstand push ups, planches, 90 degree push ups and basic 2 arm handstand shapes. Even though pike push ups are rather basic I see many mistakes when athletes perform them without first properly analyzing the movement. 1 - you should be moving on a diagonal line. Your shoulders should take the same path on the way back up as they took on the way down. 2 - look at your hands on top of the movement and keep weight and control in your hands. Do not lock out pushing your chest towards the feet. I see this all the time and it honestly doesn’t make any sense. Pike push ups are a handstand push up progression. Treat them accordingly. 3 - do not arch your back on the way back up. If you can not perform pike push ups without arching your back scroll through my page for the “dreaming of doin
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