Tesla BURNS underwater in Submarine Mode

In this astonishing video, I bring you an incident involving a Tesla Model X inadvertently transforming into a water-bound phenomenon at the Polk Street Boat Ramp in Hollywood, Florida. What began as a routine jet ski launch took an electrifying turn when the Tesla descended into the water and astonishingly caught fire, sparking an underwater blaze that raged on for hours before being successfully recovered. This incident highlights a critical concern, revealing a pressing issue with electric vehicles - the vulnerability to saltwater, which can lead to battery failure. It’s a wake-up call to the EV community and boating enthusiasts who may not be aware of the potential risks when towing boats with electric cars. Intriguingly, while researching this incident, I discovered similar startling events globally, including one in Spain involving a Model X and another in Port Moody, BC, where a Mitsubishi Highlander met a similar fate at the Rocky Point Park boat ramp.
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