【世界遺産】五箇山の合掌造り集落(相倉・菅沼) : 【World Heritage】Thatched-roof Houses of Gokayama Villag

富山県の南砺市、相倉と菅沼の合掌造り集落を散策いたしました。ゆったりとした素敵な時間を過ごすことができました。 Ainokura Village and Suganuma Village were registered as World Cultural Heritage in 1995 (Heisei 7) together with Shirakawa-go. There are 20 existing Thatched-roof Houses in the Ainokura Gassho-zukuri village. In the Suganuma Thatched-roof Houses, there are nine Gassho-zukuri houses surrounded by nature. 00:00 タイトル(Title) 00:20 相倉集落の散策(Walking Around Ainokura Village) 09:48 相倉地主神社(Ainokura Jishujinja Shrin
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