【4K Snowfall】A strong cold wave hit Shirakawa-go and Gokayama. World Heritage site.白川郷・五箇山に強い寒波が到来

Date taken: Dec 14-15,2022 Video resolution: 4K UHD 0:00 Ainokura Gassho-zukuri Village 五箇山 相倉合掌造り集落  5:21Shirakawa-go 白川郷  Tenshukaku Observatory 城山天守閣 展望台 5:49 Around Koemon 7:39 Around China 8:57 Around Nagase House 10:14 Around Kanda House 12:42 Around Minshuku Kanjiya 13:23 Around Myozenji 14:51 Around Shirakawago Restaurant Irori 15:45 Around Furusato 16:20 Shirakawago Three Houses 17:49 Around Minshuku Jyuemon 20:30 Around Wada House 25:07 Around Syokudo and Teishoku restaurant 26:02 Deai Bridge 28:22 Around Yokichi 28:56 Suganuma Gassho-zukuri Village 五箇山 菅沼合掌造り集落 LENS: Olympus DIGITAL ED 12-40mm F2.8 PRO CAMERA: OM SYSTEM OM-1 Mic: SENNHEISER MKE 200
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