Italy’s Envoy In Bavaria (1936)

Item title reads - Italy’s envoy in Bavaria. Count Ciano’s momentous visit to Herr Hitler. Bavaria, Germany L/S of Adolf Hitler’s house in Bavaria, Berchtesgaden. Various shots of soldiers guarding it. Good M/S of Adolf Hitler out of uniform walking in the country, he carries a stick and glances at the camera as he walks past. M/S of fog over the mountains, good M/S of Berchtesgaden. Count Galeazzo Ciano’s car speeds up the path. M/S as Hitler comes out to greet him, he is wearing a jacket with swastika on the arm. They shake hands warmly and smile, then walk up the steps to the house. Good M/S profile of Hitler speaking informally, they all stand on his balcony and Ciano admires the view through a telescope. They walk down the steps together after the visit. M/S as they shake hands again and the Count gets in his car, it is driven away and they all do the fascist salute. Note: the soundtrack to this item is missing. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL
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