It has been so absurdly hot for the past week, so no full speed showcasing for this week.
Changing through will often be used as travelling after and can have any type of technique or attack attached on after but the thrust is the most direct. Its the counter part to taking off which is the same but going over the blade. Durchwechseln can also be used out of distance with just the points but provides less advantage but is also less dangerous.
Series Info:
Due to social distancing I’m going to make a series going through the verses of the Zettel for my students to use as a reference. The Zettel is the series of cryptic verses written by Johannes Liechtenauer to his students(1400s). It would become the foundation of the German combat system lasting over 200 years.
In my opinion the Zettel and the treatises from it are a series of advanced techniques written for people who can already fight with a sword. Therefore these videos as well are not made to be an in depth trainer for beginners but just going through the idea behind each verse.
These are my interpretation at the moment but as we develop, grow and learn, ideas can change. Feel free to disagree with me and try out other interpretations. My goal is to make very short and precise videos for one or two verses. Because of this there will be lots of information and details that don’t make the cut.