This video is easier to follow than the previous episode on Zufechten. Hopefully it flows smoother, and gives you some ideas in your training. Nachschlag is a concept that leaves a bit of room for interpretation in my opinion. It’s described with examples instead of a definition.
Previous episodes:
3227a Transkription
I think part of the problem stems from this source using 3rd person more. He and He instead of you and him. Er/der und der nicht du und er.
Transkription #1
|Vnd der ort / als bald her eyme an das sw°t ku~pt / mt dem sw°te / |der sal allemal kawme vem eyne halbe ele · verre · |von iens brust ader gesichte seyn / |vnd des gar wol war nemen ab h° yndert dar kome~ möchte / vnd io of das neste / |vnd nicht weit vem / |das ien° icht e queme wen deser / |ab sich deser icht lasse~ vnd züme~ würde / |vnd czu trege wer / |ad° czu wei