【二米炊烟】Bracken&Bamboo Shoots. 三月的蕨菜,Þ

※ Please click “cc“ to choose your subtitle language, which is on the “Settings“ at the bottom right corner of the video (If the computer used). The world is rich in a lot of food and taste, like bracken in March, and bamboo shoots in April. There should be no one who doesn’t love these wild vegetables deep in the mountains. Stewed chicken with dried bamboo shoots, braised pork with bamboo shoots, sour bracken, and fried bracken with bacon... In fact, rather than eating, I prefer the experience of going up the mountain to find all kinds of Ingredients! 人間有味是清歡,3月的蕨菜,4月的竹筍 這些大山深處的山珍野菜,應該沒有人不愛吧 筍乾燉雞,竹筍紅燒肉,酸蕨യ
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