WATSU by Carolyn Nash. WATSU is a deep relaxing form of aquatic bodywork. While floating and being held in warm “bath“ water, a practitioner moves the client around int he water. Due to the lessening effect of gravity and the fluidity of water, WATSU brings new dimenstions of experience that other bodywork can not provide. It stretches the body, helping to articulate the spine and release deeply. Often times it feels like being in the womb, or an experience of connecting with Divine Presence. It is excellent for many conditions, both physical and emotional.
5 months ago 00:16:25 1
Heart sutra- 般若心経 -NO ADS in Buddhist Mantra- Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha- Tinna Tinh
5 months ago 00:07:31 1
Heart Sutra- 般若心経 -Buddhist Mantra to remove all obstacles- Tinna Tinh