Traditional Darkroom Print-Making | Between the Pines | My Dark Method | Rainy Day Printing

For my fellow nerds... Original negative was shot with the Zone VI 4x5 view camera using Arista EDU Ultra 100 film. Printing was performed with Ilford Warm Tone 8x10 FB paper at F/16. Contrast filter #5 with dodging as shown in the video. Paper development in Kodak Dektol at 1:3. A dual fix process was used with Legacy Pro Odorless Rapid Fixer at 1:9. Prints were then toned in Kodak Rapid Selenium Toner for approximately two minutes. A thirty-minute bath in Kodak Hypo Clear 1:4 was implemented prior to the final wash. Minimal spotting was required. The three hand-made prints are available for immediate acquisition here: My book of photographs from the coast of California ’On the Left’ My wild pony book ’Faces of Grayson’: Camera Jockey Clothiers (custom made stuff for photographers) htt[s:// Get 25 FREE Lightroom presets at
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