Egg Timer Gadet, Perfect Boiled Egg

Buy Egg Timer Here: Sensitive Color Changing Egg Timer&_sacat=0&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5337982317&customid=&toolid=10001&mkevt=1 Test of egg timer gadet, is it really work, and can you cook a perfect boiled egg. Soft boiled egg, Medium boiled egg, or Hard boiled egg. Egg timer indicates and change colors to make sure you know when is time to get egg out of water, and make boiled egg as you love to eat. Heat sensitive. Graduated scales show when eggs are soft, medium or hard by sensing heat instead of time. Soft boiled eggs are exactly as you like them. Hard boiled eggs are no longer over cooked, so they have the perfectly colored yolks and a smooth texture. Eggtimer can be cooled on the counter. Do not immerse the eggtimer in cold water. Practical and fun for your family breakfast table. This functional gadget that keeps your boiled egg clear of shell
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