Belisarius (Justinian Byzantine/Roman Empire)

Flavius Belisarius 526 CE - Sasanid Empire battling Eastern Roman Empire over the Kingdom of Kartli (Georgia) in Caucasus 530 CE - Dara, Southern Anatolia, Belisarius led forces of Eastern Roman against Sasanid Empire. sasanid battling romans, sasanid were pushed back 531 CE - Calinicum, Northern Syria, Sasanid army clashes with Eastern Roman army Both army suffer great losses, the battle end in stalemate 532 CE - Eastern roman propose peace and sent war reparations to Sasanid 532 CE - Nika Riot erupted in Constantinople caused by high taxes following Roman-Sasanid war. Rioters besieged the palace and destroyed Hagia Sophia. Belisarius led imperial troops securing the capital and killed rioters in the Hippodrome. Hypathius, pretender of Empire’s throne was executed. 533 CE - Belisarius led Roman armada to recapture Carthage from Germanic Vandal Kingdom. Vandals were defeated and carthage reca
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