風鈴と湖のさざなみ, ひぐらしの声. Wind chimes and the ripples of the lake, the voice of Higurashi.

湖を渡るそよ風と涼しげな風鈴の音、夏の午後、ひぐらしの声。 The breeze that crosses the lake and the cool sound of wind chimes, the voice of higurashi on a summer afternoon. Copyright ©︎ 2023 Earth Sound Channel. All of the videos created were filmed, recorded, edited, and completed by myself on site. This work is protected by copyright law and may not be copied or distributed without permission. 作成されたビデオの全ては私自身が現場に赴き 撮影、録音、編集して、完成させた作品です。 この作品は著作権法&
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