圧倒的な美しさの風鈴とひぐらしの声, 穏やかな川のせせらぎ.The decisive beauty of the wind chime

美しさ極め付きの風鈴の音とゆったりとしたひぐらしの声、眠りを誘う滑らかな小川のせせらぎ、全てがゆったりとした流れを作ってくれます。 The beautiful sound of the wind chimes, the relaxing voice of Higurashi, and the smooth babbling of a stream that lulls you to sleep, all create a relaxing flow. Copyright ©︎ 2023 Earth Sound Channel. All of the videos created were filmed, recorded, edited, and completed by myself on site. This work is protected by copyright law and may not be copied or distributed without permission. 作成されたビデオの全&
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