Volcom Spot to Spot 2022 in Avoriaz

What a way to kick off the season! Volcom Spot to Spot 3rd edition was the first version to run over 2 days in the French resort of Avoriaz. And what a smart move that was, cause on day one we were graced with fog thicker than Arctic winter darkness. Yet, in spite of a total whiteout, the riders threw down an incredible level of riding during the Rail Jam. Come evening, it was time for the long awaited Creedlecosm premiere, followed by dinner, where France smashing England in the World Cup was part of the side show. Eventually, everyone made it to the “The Place” where Double Cheese put on a mind-bending gig, leading to surprisingly many stripping their shirts and joining the raging mosh pit. By 5am, most made it home but not everyone…. Day 2 greeted us with the bluest of blue skies and temperature’s dropping to – 20°C (– 4°F) on top of the mountain. Nevertheless, riders soldiered through and put on an impressive show during the Side Hits Challenge and Speed check. Lunch was ser
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