Wolf Goes Swimming to Hunt Frogs

Wolves are skillful hunters and large, hoofed ungulates like deer, moose, and elk are generally on the menu. But scientists are increasingly recognizing that these keystone predators have an exceptionally varied diet, partaking in everything from fish to fruit. Just like us, a wolf’s diet can be highly variable and constantly changing depending on the environment. And according to Nikai the wolf, frogs belong on the menu too! On a warm September evening, Nikai took to his pond to hunt for some amphibian appetizers, but he didn’t appear to catch any. Can you spot them hiding from him near the video’s end? Nikai is a captive-born gray wolf at the Wolf Conservation Center (WCC), a 501c3 non-profit organization, in South Salem, NY. He is one of the three education wolves at the WCC that help teach the public about wolves and their vital role in the environment. If you want to watch Zephyr, Alawa, or Nikai or the WCC’s critically endangered Mexican gray wolves or red wolves in live time, visit our live wolf
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