
An exciting, mysterious, fictional and historically accurate adventure pulls no punches about the life and hardships of peasant farmers living on the moors of Yorkshire in 1590. A time when life expectancy was thirty-five, children rarely lived past the age of six and ale was consumed liberally because water was undrinkable. Reading this novel, you will walk the moors around Haworth and try a jack of ale at the Kings Arms; you will laugh, cry and feel empathy for young Thomas Rushworth and his family who face the riggers of life living as copyholders on Lord Birkhead’s land at Green Hall. Rat baiting, shenanigans, murder, deception and love will keep you enthralled right until the end, but be forewarned as the author paints a realistic, literary picture which quite easily places you amidst the tale. So, turn the page now and step back in time, to a period in history which seems simpler, but one in which hardship, survival, death and skulduggery were a daily occurrence in the lives of the people of Wes
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