6-минутная управляемая медитация для развития энергии Земли | Постоянная медитация

Taoists often say, “Stand like a tree.” Why? Because we can learn from the grounded and present energy of trees. They do not become unbalanced, frazzled, and caught in chaos. They remain firmly rooted and connected with Earth’s energy. In this 6-minute standing meditation, you will connect to the energy of the Earth using a “tree-inspired” standing pose. This is one of the best Taoist practices for getting grounded and present quickly. It’s our hope that this meditation will help you remember there’s only one place you need to be… Here and now. ===LEARN QI GONG=== Want to learn more Qi Gong, which has been referred to as “meditation in motion?” Join Lee for two weeks of online Qi Gong classes for free. Just click the link below to get started:
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