GARLIC PARADISE: Different Type of White Garlic And The Remarkable Health Benefits of Black Garlic

GARLIC PARADISE: White Garlic: White garlic, the more commonly known variety, is the raw, fresh garlic bulb. It has a pungent, spicy taste and a strong aroma that intensifies when cooked. White garlic is packed with beneficial compounds such as allicin, which is responsible for many of its health properties. It has a long history of culinary and medicinal use and offers a range of health benefits. Black Garlic: Black garlic, on the other hand, undergoes a fermentation process that transforms it into a completely different culinary delight. The process involves subjecting whole garlic bulbs to low heat and humidity over a prolonged period, often several weeks. During fermentation, the garlic undergoes Maillard reactions, which cause the cloves to turn black and develop a sweet, syrupy flavor with hints of tanginess and umami. Conclusion: Both white garlic and black garlic have their own distinctive characteristics, flavors, and health benefits
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