One-handed shenanigans with a hand-and-a-half sword

Longsword, bastard sword and hand-and-a-half sword are all names for essentially the same sword type. It is a sword type that can be used in one hand or in two hands. Some are primarily adapted for use in two hands, but with the possibility to use in one hand. Some are primarily adapted for use in one hand, but with the possibility to be used in two hands and some sit in the middle of one-handed and two-handed use. In this video I will cut tatami with Cold Steel’s hand-and-a-half sword used in one hand. While this hand-and-a-half sword has a blade length that is fairly well suited for one-handed use, the handle is really long. I would even say it’s too long for two-handed use. 0:41 Basic cuts 1:52 Lightning cut 2:18 Gayszlen / Geißel / Scourge - everybody’s favourite longsword cheap-shot. Can you cut with Gayszlen? Yes. Is it going to be the most reliable cut? No, but the surprise extra reach can be really useful. Can it be a bit of a cheap-shot that is sometimes over-used in competitions? Yes. 3:00 Reve
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