Trackmania 2020 - ALL WORLD RECORDS: Summer Campaign Edition

Hello hunters & welcome to another trackmania 2020 video showcasing all of the world records on the 2020 summer campaign! This video sums up our journey as a tm community after the first 3 months of the new game. That being said, many maps had cuts, gamepad parts that are a nightmare for keyboard and some other weird shenanigans. Nadeo said that future campaigns will include more tech tracks so I am looking forward to the future of the game, hopefully they will keep that promise. I managed to get 2nd world so far as there are still 3 days to go, I don’t like my times and many of the different maps, but I can’t really complain about a 2nd place. Hefest on the other hand, proved himself as one of the top trackmania players of all time, demolishing every different player on the new edition leading to a victory of a lifetime. What do you think was the best and worst map in the entire campaign? Which cut was the weirdest? What battle did you like the most? Make sure to answer
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