President Gottwald Visits Slovakia (1949)

Czechoslovakia. Various shots of the crowd on railway platform waving as the President Clement Gottwald’s train leaves the station. He and wife wave from the window. Travelling shot, from the train, on crowd lined track with people waving. Several shots of the President being greeted on arrival to Slovakian town. He shakes hands with civic and religious dignitaries. Woman in traditional clothes offers him bread, salt and wine through the train window. He reaches for the bread, then takes the glass and lifts it in the air, his wife also. Crowd waving on crowded platform as the train moves off. Close up shot of the President seated on the train, smiling, with a pipe in hand. Travelling shot from the train showing fields. Train stops in front of heavily decorated station building at Topolcianky - pictures of Lenin, Stalin and Gottwald on the building. President Gottwald leaves the train and is greeted by the crowd and dignitaries. Several children give him flowers. (.) Date found in the ol
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