Glaucoma Natural Treatment

In the next few minutes, I am going to show you a glaucoma natural treatment. Glaucoma is an eye condition that causes damage to the optic nerve and is one of the leading causes of blindness in people over the age of 60. The damage is usually caused by abnormally high pressure in the eyes. It is widely believed that vision loss due to glaucoma can’t be recovered, so it’s important to have regular eye exams that include measurements of your eye pressure, so a diagnosis can be made in its early stages and treated appropriately. If glaucoma is recognized early, vision loss can be slowed or prevented. Lowering pressure in the eye is the only method proven for treating glaucoma. Lifestyle recommendations include regular exercise which may help reduce eye pressure and certain nutritional supplements. Medical treatments include eyedrops, medications and surgery. Even with treatment, about 15 percent of people with glaucoma become blind in at least one eye within 20 years. Fortunate
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