Richard Skipper Celebrates lifelong Elvis fan and historian Sally A. Hoedel

In thisinterview, Richard Skipper celebrates Sally A. Hoedel, an Elvis fan and historian. Sally is a major figure in the Elvis fandom community and her books are celebrated by many fans. Sally A. Hoedel, a lifelong Elvis fan and historian, has a journalism degree from Michigan State University and is co-owner of Character Development and Leadership, a curriculum business. She lives in Northern Michigan with her husband and their four daughters. “I wrote this book because I genuinely believe this is a story that Elvis would want known. He needed to be a strong American male while he was alive, and he hid his pain and his body’s weaknesses. Yet, he always knew he was just like everyone else: human. I believe he would be okay with everyone now understanding just how human he was. He struggled but he tried. My only hope for this labor of love is that it makes someone stop and think about Elvis just a little bit differently. He deserves it.” #richardskipper #elvis #author
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