SEVEN LINE PRAYER • performed by H.H. the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa • FILM by tOm Zach Meier • SONG by SINA VODJANI AVAILABLE ON iTunes: ____________________ published on the auspicious day of KARMAPA’s 30th Birthday recorded in BERLIN, GERMANY, June 2014 at KARMAPA’s first visit to Europe _________________ KARMA means ACTION This particular edit features KARMAPA as a leading activist of this 21st century engaging in the mission to enlighten people to their own power to make a difference through Conscious Action and to protect our planet. “Inside each of us there is a noble heart. This heart is the source of our finest aspiration for ourselves and the world. It fills us with the courage to act on our aspirations. Our nobility may be obscured at times, covered over with small thoughts or blocked by confused and confusing emotions. But a noble heart lies intact within each of us nonetheless, ready to open and be offered to the world… When we clear away all that blocks it, this heart can change the world.“ KARMAPA His Holiness is also the inspiration to the CONSCIOUS ACTION NETWORK - a project the uses interactive films to enable people to make a difference with a mouse-click. 100% transparent and 100% efficient. on YouTube: WATCH: TOGETHER WE
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