Dandasana | Paschimottanasana

Dandasana and Paschimottanasana are fundamental to the Ashtanga system. They contain, in the most basic form, the tension patterns around which most of the Primary Series is based. This video describes how to activate the hips, legs and feet in these postures to create an energetic lift from the pelvis to the heart, which brings these postures alive. Dandasana, like any other, is best arranged from the ground up. And there are four basic actions to make (in the hips and legs and feet) to bring the posture alive. 1. Engage the external rotators in the hips. 2. Press through the roots of the big toes. 3. Press the heels down into the earth. 4. Draw the knees back toward the waist. When held in balance, these four actions make Uddiyana Bandha arise. It can be felt in the hollowing back of the lower belly and the distinct quickening of the ascending current, from the center of the pelvis to the crown of the head. The bandha arises in response to the balance of pranic and
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