Cybedemon maya motion tests

Just a humble cybedemon demon .) - [unty3d motion tests]: - [sketchfab overview]: Objects summary: - separate body mesh [2064 polys, 2066 verts]; - separate gun mesh [2553 polys,1769 verts]; - separate hand mesh [1254 polys, 1274 verts]; - separate “hairs“ mesh [76 polys, 40 verts]; - separate faceplate mesh [276 polys, 136 verts]; - separate spine-support mesh [2992 faces, 1498 verts]; - separate eye meshes [372 polys, 336 verts]; - maps for each mesh: 2048x2048; The demon has a next motion cycles(with root motion): - walk forward [1:29]; - walk backward [2:02]; - run cycle [2:30]; - turn right cycle [3:05]; - turn left cycle [3:25]; - idle cycle [3:56]; - shooting cycle [5:20]; - full shooting cycle [4:15]; - changing a magazine cycle [5:55]; - atttack cycle [6:31]; - jump’n’hit cycle [7:50]; - seek cycle [8:55]; - death cycle [10:31];
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