Today I will cleanse you of your fatigue, stress, etc 🪶✨
This video includes tapping, mic brushing, mic scratching, hand movement, whispering, crystal tuner, crinkle sound, echo trigger, Japanese trigger words, tktk, ear blowing, etc ✨
(Layered Sounds 🪄)
00:00 Preview
04:27 Whispering
04:57 Start
【My other hypnosis ASMR videos】
○ Hypnotizing ASMR for People Who Need Sleep Immediately (Layered Sounds, Tapping, Hand movement, etc):
○ Hypnosis ASMR for People Who Need Sleep Immediately (Layered Sounds, Tapping, plucking, etc..):
○ ASMR 99.9% of You will Sleep to this video �
○ (ENG SUB) Hypnosis ASMR You will fall asleep within 20 minutes:
○ ASMR Hypnosis Japanese Trigger Words (Slow, Close Up, etc):
Thank you for watching :)
I hope you have nice dreams🌙
💖🐱Coromo Sara.
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🦉 TikTok:@coromosara
#asmr #layeredsounds #whisperingShow more