Magical Lights & Cozy Vibes | ASMR for a Perfect Night
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Hello, friends! Today let’s chit chat by the candle flame, brush your hair and watch magical lights with smooth hand movements to calm us down and relax for the night as we count down to a 100 ♥
00:00 Cozy meal together
03:19 Pillow, hand movements
04:08 A bit of realness
06:32 Linen spray
08:25 Smooth Hand movements
10:26 Hair brushing and scalp massage
16:53 Magical hypnotic lamps with hands and chimes
21:21 Candle tapping
23:53 Life chit chat as I tap on the candle
32:10 Slow hands and countdown to a 100
Thank you for being here ♥ Enjoy!
Magical gourd lamps
Salt lamp
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