One of the most “ancient” videos on the channel in terms of how long ago it was filmed. The last day of summer 2018. And a diesel locomotive was very common in those days at work on the line. After all, it was he who at one time drove a scheduled passenger train at night, and during the day he could often be seen like this, without a train, running to the junction station to pick up this passenger train.
But years passed and the diesel locomotive disappeared somewhere from its native depot. Even before the war in Ukraine, he was sent to work far from his native Grechany depot, according to rumors, somewhere in the Kyiv region. And now the war has been going on for a couple of years now - no new information about his whereabouts.
We really hope that everything is fine with this “little hard worker” hurrying about his important business in this video. And the most bad thing that could happen to it would be to be repainted in the UZ corporate livery. What is happening everywhere with similar diesel locomot