Should You Buy A House In 2022?

Should You Buy A House In 2022? #housingmarket #personalfinance #househunting2022 The stock market is down. Cryptocurrency is down. In fact, many traditional investments are down in price. One however is not, and that’s the housing market, which typically runs under its own rules. There are always people looking to buy their first house or even move into a new home. The beginning of 2022 saw the end of a long period of low interest rates on home loans. Now, with the average rate being above 5% and seemingly going higher, some hoped that the price tag on homes would drop in response. The opposite seems to be true. This has many wondering when will house prices drop. Will it be at any time in 2022 or will some have to wait another year or two before homes become affordable again to the average person? Wrestling With Finance Should You Buy A House In 2022? Visit my website: Twitter: Facebook:
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