Kettlebell ABS Workout | 15 minute No Repeat Sixpack

In this kettlebell ABS Workout we will be having 15x challenging movements with and without the kettlebell for targeting the abdominals. We will perform each movement for 40 seconds long and we will have 20 seconds rest in between. You can simply increase the intensity of this workout by adding more weight or/and by doing this routine 2-3 rounds in a row (depending on your fitness level). In this workout I’m using 5kg and 18kg dumbbells of Livingfit: Please find below the script of today’s workout: 1. 00:20 Pullover Crunch 2. 01:20 Uneven Rotation Plank (R) 3. 02:20 Uneven Rotation Plank (R) 4. 03:20 Kettlebell Hold Knee Pulls 5. 04:20 Low Plank Hip Twist 6. 05:20 Hip Lifts 7. 06:20 Russian Twist 8. 07:20 Side To Side Leg Lift Knee Pull 9. 08:20 Kettlebell Side Bend (R) 10. 09:20 Kettlebell Side Bend (L) 11. 10:20 Weighted Jackknife 12. 11:20 Hip Drop Alternating Knee Tuck 13. 12:20 Half Windmil
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