Keeping Users in the Loop | Background Job Status Updates with Laravel Livewire

What happens when you have a long-running background job that takes longer than 1 or 2 minutes to complete? What do show your users? How do you let them know where things are at? Can we do it in real time? Or at least... close to real time relatively simply? Yes. We can. Keep creating. 00:00 Introduction to Background Jobs in Livewire 00:12 Challenges in Real-Time Status Updates 00:29 Example Scenario: Podcast Creation 02:00 Implementing Status Updates with Wire Poll 03:20 Diving into the Code 06:48 Dynamic Wire Polling Techniques 08:13 Conclusion and Future Topics ―― Help me choose my next video: ----------------------- Polling in Livewire: #basic-usage Github Repo: --- 📹 **Watch My VSCode Setup Video:** 🎓 **Make VSCode Awesome – Caleb Porzio’s Course (support me with this link):**
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