Yaşar Ersoy. Центрально-восточное побережье Эгейского моря с конца бронзового века до раннего железного века

The Times They Are A-Changin’: Central East Aegean Littoral from the end of the Bronze Age through the Early Iron Age (late 13th – 8th centuries BC) Prof. Dr. Yaşar Ersoy Department of Architecture, Yaşar University 5th July 2021 CET (Rome, Paris, Berlin / GMT 2) (İstanbul, Athens / GMT 3) (New York / GMT-4) Organizer: Prof. Dr. Vasıf Şahoğlu (Ankara University) Abstract Series of events, which took place in the early 12th century BCE caused dramatic changes and led to the demise of the palatial centers in the Aegean, the end of the Hittite empire in central Anatolia, and the collapse of small kingdoms on the Eastern Mediterranean coast and Cyprus. Many explanations or causes, including natural disasters, environmental changes, invasions, political instabilities, disruption of trade relations, and systems collapse were proposed for the end of the globalized system in antiquity. What followed after the end of
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