Bullfighting Comes To France (1965)

Arles, France. GV. Exterior of a bull ring at Arles in France. MS. Antonio Ordonez known as ’El Maestro’ leads his parade in the bull ring at start of the bull fight, behind him come his aides and picadors. MV. Part of the crowd watching. Various shots of Ordonez with a bull which has two lances in already. Ordonez toys for a while and then draws his sword and kills the bull. MV. The crowd rises and shouts for more. MS. Ordonez raises hat to crowds. Various shots of another fight. The matador this time is El Cordobes ’Son of the Gypsies’. He fights the bull for a long while and slowly tires it down. Slowly, more lances go into the bull’s neck. The bull catches El Cordobes twice and slings him into the air but his aides run into ring and rescues him. In the end he plunges his sword into the bloody neck of the bull. MS. El Cordobes bows to crowds. (F.G.) Date found in the old record - 15/06/1965. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF G
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