925, LES INÉDITS d’ELVIS PRESLEY by Jmd, "Prises alternatives du King !", épisode 925 !

925, LES INÉDITS d’ELVIS PRESLEY by Jmd, “Prises alternatives du King !“, épisode 925 ! 925, LES INÉDITS d’ELVIS PRESLEY by Jmd, “De superbes prises alternatives du King ELVIS !“, épisode 925 ! - Bullfighter was a Lady Takes 4, 5, 6 - Margherita Take 6 - You Can’t So No in Acapulco Takes 1,2,3,4 - Guadalajara Takes 3,4 I invite you to come discover the unpublished Elvis Presley, on the channel “ELVISJMDONE77“, different studio versions, working sessions, I hope you discover interesting documents, there will also be photos, concerts, reports, the goal is to dive into the world of Elvis, my desire is also to promote his work to encourage all fans to buy his records, go to concerts and acquire new DVDs to better appreciate the talent and all the work of this great artist ELVIS PRESLEY !!! ... ¡Versiones alternativas de las grandes canciones del Rey, para escuchar si
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