Vitamin D levels advised

Deficiency of vit D limits the performance of systems resulting in, increased spread of diseases of civilization Reduced protection against infections Reduced effectiveness of vaccination Covid fatality rates correlate with, Elderly, dark, black people, comorbidities, winter Blood level of 20 ng/mL, (50 nmol/L) sufficient to stop osteomalacia Preferable, 40–60 ng/mL (100 to 150 nmol/L) Vitamin D3 receptors Bone Intestine Pancreas Prostate Immune system cells Vitamin D is a powerful epigenetic regulator Influencing more than 2,500 genes Cancer Diabetes mellitus Acute respiratory tract infections Viral lung infections that cause ARDS Chronic inflammatory diseases Autoimmune diseases Multiple sclerosis Immunomodulatory properties Regulating innate and adaptive immune systems D3 receptors Monocytes/macrophages T cells B cells Natural killer (NK) cells Dendritic cells (DCs) Supplements Without calcium supplementation, even very high vitamin D3 supplementation does not cause vascula
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