森口博子 - Caribbean Blue (1989) - エースをねらえ! FINAL STAGE MV

Hiroko Moriguchi - Caribbean Blue. Clips taken from Ace wo Nerae! 2 and Ace wo Nerae: Final Stage (1989-1990), directed by Osamu Dezaki. This song was remade with new lyrics for the Ace wo Nerae: Final Stage opening. A full version of that new song was never released, so that’s why I’m uploading this one. I don’t own the content of this video - I am sharing the song as a demonstration of Osamu Dezaki’s directorial style. LYRICS あなたを忘れるため 一人旅に出た Ah 海風 そよそよ 心の中を 風が吹き抜ける 七つの海を渡る 旅人になって Ah 世界で一番 素敵な夢を探す 遠い 遠い 海のࡨ
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