Human Respiratory System | Respiratory System Anatomy | Biology | Letstute

Human Respiratory System Respiratory System Anatomy in Biology by Letstute. Human Respiratory System Respiratory System Anatomy Biology 0:00 Introduction 0:26 How Respiratory system works Welcome to this session In this session we are going to learn human respiratory system. This video will be based on respiratory system organs and will be useful for class 10 th CBSE biology subject. Now what is respiratory system breathing and what is respiratory system definition. The air enters the human body through nostrils, which then passes through the nasal cavity. This air is filtered by specialized hair-like structures in the nasal cavity called cilia. The cells of the nasal cavity secrete mucus which helps to trap the dust particles and blocks it from moving ahead. The nasal cavity also provides warmth and adds moisture to the air. So, through this session you will learn respiratory system in detail and respiratory system working model. Also, we have
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