Italian Grandma Makes Ciambotta (Vegetable Stew)

Ciambotta – Vegetable Stew 8 oz String Beans (approx) 3 medium Zucchini 6 Scallions (Green Onions) 1 sliced Onion 1/2 Head Celery with green tops 1/2 cup Fresh Basil 1/2 cup Fresh Parsley 2 cloves Garlic 4 Potatoes (cubed) 1 qt Peeled Tomatoes Grated Pecorino Romano Cheese (sprinkle on top) 1/2 cup Olive Oil Salt & Pepper to taste COOKBOOK: “Cooking with Grandma Gina“ is available on Amazon in Paperback and eBook. Recipes in cookbook are based on videos released prior to March 2021. =sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=cooking with grandma gina&qid=1624633480&sr=8-1 Watch my other videos at:
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