BlockOut 3D #tetris ranked global master number 25

Hi. I have global ranking number 25 in the 3D Tetris version BlockOut2 on level: Out of control This is a video just to show you how it looks when I play it. I am looking for other people who have this higher spatial ability to play on this level. As a mathematics, #science, #engineering and physics teacher it is well known that people who can play this type of games on a high level also have a high level skill in #mathematics and #physics . So if you are a young child and is bored at school and you get high scores in this game, then you need to talk to your teacher to get more advanced mathematics problems. You most probably need to learn more advanced mathematics and physics to not get bored at school. I also challenge the whole world in this game. If you can beat me then upload a game and paste a link in the comment field. We need to find more people with high #spatial ability. Regards Magnus Master of Science in Engineering Physics Civilingen
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