3D #Tetris version

Hi. I played this 1989 and was much better than anyone at school and my teachers told me I had something special called high spatial ability. I was also quite good at mathematics and physics so teachers told me to study physics at university, so I now have a Master of Science in Engineering Physics from LTH. About 5 years ago I again found this 3D #tetris game BlockOut and started challenging my students and still nobody was even close to beat me. So I made this online version so kids can try it out in a browser. It is said that Tetris and BlockOut is a great game to enhance your spatial ability that make it easier for you in mathematics and physics when you need to visualize geometry and physics to be able to solve mathematical problems. --- One other thing gifted children excel at is spatial ability, or pattern thinking. Spatial ability is a litmus test for creativity and innovation, as Stanley’s next SMPY cohort would go on to prove. “I think it may be t
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