4 ложки в день и рак исчезнет! Болгарский врач раскрыл чудо секрет

The famous Bulgarian healer Hristo Mermerski recently became the center of attention - he discovered a homemade cure for cancer. He claims that cancer can be cured with a simple mixture of natural, commonly available ingredients. So it is, or not, we do not know 100%, but it certainly will not get any worse from this tincture! So you can try! Here are the claimed benefits of this miracle tool: - cleans the kidneys and liver; - cleans the blood vessels; - improves memory; - strengthens the heart and prevents a heart attack; - strengthens the immune system; - treats most types of cancer. And here is the recipe: Ingredients: 12 cloves of garlic, 15 lemons, 1 kg of honey, 400 g of walnuts, 120 g of sprouted wheat. What to do:  First you need to prepare sprouted grasses. Put the wheat grains in a bowl and fill them with completely clean water. Leave on for 10–12 hours. After that, drain the water through a fine sieve and ri
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